Finding child care around school hours

  • Childcare Assistance: Understanding Different Nanny Positions

    30 December 2016

    If you have decided to engage a nanny for assistance, you should be diligent in looking for the right individual for your child and family. In general, there are numerous professionals to consider during your search. Nannies often advertise their availability in schools, community centres, child care centres and even job boards. In addition, you can contact a formal childcare assistance agency for nannies. This option allows you to meet individuals who have been interviewed and screened, limiting the need for multiple background checks.

  • Finding child care for children that have not been vaccinated

    21 December 2016

    For some parents choosing not to vaccinate their children is a deeply held personal belief. Many states do not allow children that have not been vaccinated to enroll in approved child care programs and you may not be eligible for federal government rebates unless your child has an up-to-date vaccination record.  Here are some options for alternate child care.  Informal care If you are not requiring regular care, often one of the easiest options is to use friends or family to provide incidental care.

  • Four things to look out for when choosing a childcare centre

    20 December 2016

    Whether you're a working parent, have another reason you're unable to look after your children during the weekdays, or simply want them to start learning and developing their brains and social skills in a safe environment early on, a childcare or kindergarten centre can offer an invaluable service. If you're on the prowl, meticulously assessing the quality of the childcare centres available should be your number one priority. After all, every parent wants what's best for their children, and the only way to get what's best is to consider a number of options and compare them to one another.

  • Does Your Toddler Need Speech Therapy?

    19 December 2016

    Children's speech develops at different rates.  Some kids are very articulate by the time they're starting playgroup, whereas others are still struggling to string sentences together coherently.  But how slow to start speaking is too slow, and when should you take your toddler to see a speech therapist for more advice?  Read on for some helpful information. Guessing games It is quite usual for toddlers from around 18 months to three years of age to have problems with pronouncing words and putting sentences together.

  • Dealing With Room Transitions In Child Care Centres

    26 January 2016

    As children get older in the formal child care system, they progress into different rooms with different carer-to-child ratios. This can mark the rise of an exciting new time in their development.  Here are some ways to make the transition easier on all parties.  Plan the transition If there are other issues at home that can add to the overall feeling of instability for a toddler, such as the arrival of a new sibling, it can make sense to delay the room transition until the child is feeling more stable in their life.