Finding child care around school hours

  • 3 Things to Tell Childcare Providers About Your Autistic Child

    30 November 2017

    Are you nervous about leaving your autistic child at a childcare centre? This article includes helpful information that you should give childcare providers about your autistic child. This information will enable such professionals to handle your child in the best way possible while you are away. The Warning Signs Each child is different. It is therefore helpful for you to inform the childcare providers about the specific signs that your child exhibits when they are getting upset or heading into an autistic meltdown.

  • How To Prepare Your Child For Child Care And Kindergarten

    20 July 2017

    If your child is going to be starting child care sessions or kindergarten anytime soon, it's important to make it a positive experience for both your child and you. The transition from being at home to starting child care can be a traumatic time, even when the setting is comfortable, welcoming and fun. To help your child make the transition without undue stress, here are a few tips on starting child care on the right foot.

  • 3 Easy Ways to Introduce Your Preschooler to a Foreign Language

    10 May 2017

    It's said that children's minds are like sponges, and this is particularly true when your children are young. They're learning about the world around them, and almost everything is new and full of wonder. Your preschooler is of course still developing their English language skills, but now can also be a good time to introduce them to a foreign language. It might not be that they will go on to speak the language fluently, but it gives them some additional language skills than can be built upon in later life.