Finding child care around school hours

  • 3 Steps To Choose The Right Program For Your Kindergarten-Ready Child

    6 August 2019

    Your child getting set for kindergarten can be both exciting and emotional. On the one hand, you're looking forward to your baby taking a leap into the world. But on the other, you're probably sad to see the little one grow too quick. Making decisions can be daunting if you haven't thought of this before. Here are some steps to help you choose the right program for your kindergarten-ready child.

  • 3 Policies To Ask About For Your kindergartener's Health And safety

    20 March 2019

    To ensure that your child enjoys all that preschool has to offer in a healthy, safe and secure environment, there are always specific rules and policies in place. Said rules and policies will differ from one kindergarten to the next. As a parent, you will have a shared responsibility in determining the efficacy of these policies. These are among some of the policies to inquire about and familiarise with as a parent